Thursdays 10AM - 2 PM
Through September 12
Also by appointment 508 560 2620
The AACDP will have porch sales this summer featuring crafts which I chose myself from the Mukuni Market in Livingstone, Zambia. With the help of Janet Holladay who accompanied me to Zambia, we filled four suitcases with many beautiful baskets, traditional chitenge cloth, carved animals and newly minted Zambezi Dolls.
All profits from these sales go to support the Mama Bakhita Home for children with disabilities, as well as our educational scholarship programs and the Zambezi Farm.
If you would like to see these unusual and handmade crafts from Zambia, Niger, and Zanzibar, give a call and we'll make an appointment at your convenience.
20 Road to Great Neck, West Tisbury - off New Lane, follow signs
