Purchasing farmland in Zambia in October 2021
Our friends at GlobalGiving are giving $1,000,000, to be split among nonprofits who receive donations from midnight to 11:59 PM EST on Giving Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021.
All donations of any size are greatly appreciated, at any time. On Giving Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021, your donation will be boosted by GlobalGiving. They also match new monthly donations 100% the first month.
If the spirit moves you to make a year-end contribution to theAfrican Artists Community Development Project, these are programs you will be underwriting:
The AACDP GlobalGiving Communal Farm project which has made great strides, and needs continued support over the initial months of building, land preparation and planting.
The Educational Sponsorship Program, which finds yearly funding for 12 students in our community who want to study a trade or career.
The Zambezi Doll Cooperative, an economic development effort for The Zambezi Dollmakers, 12 mothers of children at the Mama Bakhita Cheshire Home.
The Mama Bakhita Cheshire Home, which provides physical therapy services and special needs education for 25 children with disabilities of every kind.
These programs interact within a small community within Livingstone, Zambia offering a way to improve the quality of life in a sustainable way.
Thank you, as always, for your generosity and support.
In Love and Solidarity,
Marsha Winsryg